Hello beautiful People!
Today I come to you with a mind-blowing video of Sadhguru talking about MANIFESTATION. In less than 20 mins I haven’t heard anyone to describe yoga and ‘how to get whatever you want’ in a simpler, more profound and energizing way!
Firstly, I love the stories Sadhguru interwinds into his speech. Secondly, he gives clear instructions – what to do, and what NOT to do to live beautiful, peaceful and joyful life. I totally admire his easiness in transferring ancient knowledge into understandable and practical tips we can implement from THIS moment on!
Sadhguru point out 4 elements:
which ALIGNED, can MANIFEST anything!
We must first organize the mind. For now, our minds are comparable to monkeys’ minds, which are characterized by unnecessary movement and imitation. Sadhguru directs us to SIMPLICITY and CLARITY of our minds. For me, the best way to train the mind is yoga – meditation, concentration, asana practice, breath work, or any practice, which gives you the feeling of the FLOW.
Once the MIND is organized, it should be aligned with the EMOTIONS. We can’t have positive thoughts, feeling sad, frustrated, angry or anxious. We must build in ourselves strength and determination to create in our minds and bodies beautiful emotions, which are followed by HIGH VIBRATIONS and the flow of PRANA – life source. Then the body will learn to get organized as well. It is all interconnected and all must be aligned into ONE DIRECTION.
‘The moment you say something is not possible, you also say: I don’t want it.’
In this conflict, it just can’t happen. You are the one to change it though!
Let’s be SIMPLE! Realize where you want to be. Be clear, focused, intense. Have a clear vision of what you want, with no worry or thoughts how it is about to happen. Have faith. Design a picture in your mind and direct the energy flow into it, then leave it, let go and let the Universe organize it for you. What can you lose trying? Only old patterns of worry, guilt and attachment to the past, I guess…
I invite you to pay attention to this short video of Sadhguru, I’m so grateful for to light up my day and soul. 🙂
Have a wonderful day and Manifest all the Goodness for the World <3
With lots of love,
Blond Spirit